Delivery Note


A delivery note is a document provided by the seller or supplier that accompanies a shipment of goods. It lists the items included in the delivery, serving as a record to verify that the correct products have been shipped and received.

Detailed Explanation

The delivery note is an essential part of the shipping process, ensuring transparency and accuracy between the sender and recipient. It provides detailed information about the shipment and is often used alongside other shipping documents, such as invoices or bills of lading.

Key features of a delivery note include:

  • Itemized List of Goods: Details each item in the shipment, including quantities and descriptions.
  • Recipient Information: Specifies the recipient’s name, address, and contact details.
  • Shipping Details: Includes the date of shipment and the sender’s information.
  • Signature Field: Allows the recipient to confirm receipt of the delivery.

For example, a warehouse receiving a shipment can use the delivery note to cross-check items received against the purchase order, ensuring accuracy and accountability.


  • Retail Delivery: A clothing retailer receives a delivery note with a shipment of dresses, verifying that the order is complete and matches the purchase order.
  • Manufacturing Supply: A factory receives raw materials accompanied by a delivery note, confirming the quantity and type of items delivered.
  • Ecommerce Fulfillment: An online retailer includes a delivery note with every shipment, allowing customers to confirm that all items in their order have been received.

Related Terms and Concepts:

Frequently asked questions about delivery notes

What’s the difference between a delivery note and an invoice?
While both relate to an order, a delivery note lists the items shipped without showing prices, whereas an invoice provides a detailed breakdown of products, prices, and payment details.

Is a delivery note legally required?
While not always legally required, it’s a best practice in e-commerce and order fulfillment to ensure accurate and transparent deliveries.

How is a delivery note used in the returns process?
If a customer wants to return an item, referring to the delivery note can help identify the product and order details, streamlining the returns process.

Do all e-commerce shipments include a delivery note?
While most do, it can vary based on the retailer’s practices and the nature of the order (e.g., digital products might not have a delivery note).

How does a delivery note enhance the customer experience?
It provides clarity to the customer about what items should be in the package, helping them quickly verify their order’s accuracy.

Can delivery notes be digital?
Yes, with the rise of e-commerce and digital tools, some businesses send electronic delivery notes, especially for services or digital products.

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