Is Free Shipping Really Free?
In a world where free shipping is becoming more and more prevalent, it’s important to be aware of the hidden costs that come along with this customer service. With so many options for online shopping these days, you might not even realize how much a few dollars can add up over time. We’ll take a […]
Checklist for Moving From In-House Order Fulfillment to Outsourced Order Fulfillment
Order fulfillment can be a challenge for some businesses. You need employees with adequate product knowledge, someone who is experienced with all of the shipping carriers, and someone who can ship packages on time. As a business grows, many decide to turn to outsourcing their order fulfillment needs. Outsourcing allows them to focus more of […]
How to Handle Order Fulfillment for Your WooCommerce Store
Running a successful online store requires a lot of hard work and dedication. In addition to creating an attractive and user-friendly website, you also need to make sure that you have the infrastructure in place to handle order fulfillment. This can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and strategies in place, you […]
3 Effective Ecommerce Strategies
In 2021, the global ecommerce market value climbed to just shy of $5 trillion. It has also been estimated that over 230 million Americans have bought merchandise online at least once in the past year. Despite this staggering number, many businesses are not maximizing the potential that ecommerce has to offer. There are 3 basic […]
7 Benefits to Using a Third-Party Order Fulfillment Service
A third-party order fulfillment service can warehouse products for a business, pick and pack their orders, and handle the shipping of those orders to the customers. These services, of course, are not free, but utilizing a third-party order fulfillment service can help an ecommerce business to scale and grow. Utilizing a fulfillment company can decrease […]
UPS Addresses Holiday Returns Head On
The holidays may be past us, but the “reverse logistics season” is ramping up into full gear. A UPS spokesman told Logistics Management, a logistics magazine, that the peak holiday shipping season remains intact. UPS defines the holiday shipping season as November 14 – January 22 because it includes returns. UPS said it will handle […]
Analytics Tools for Your Ecommerce Store
Lewis Carroll, the famous author of Alice in Wonderland, once said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” The same can be said about your ecommerce business. If you are not tracking your traffic, sales, leads, etc. efficiently, how do you know what is working, not working, or […]
Tips for Customer Acquisition for Your Ecommerce Store
You’ve launched your website. Your product descriptions are on-point. Your sales pages are topnotch. You have great offers, competitive shipping, and a 3rd party logistics company in position to start filling your orders. You are only missing one thing. Customers. No matter where you are in the life-cycle of your ecommerce store, attracting more customers […]
6 Ways to Advertise Your Subscription Box Service
Subscription boxes have been growing in popularity over the last few years. In a subscription box, customers pay a monthly fee for a package of items that are delivered to their doorsteps each month. Birchbox and Dollar Shave Club are two examples of popular subscription services where you can find beauty products or razors sent […]